Government Relations

All year, USINFI works to advocate for the industry. This includes coordinating an annual Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill along with keeping members informed with Action Alerts and other reports. Please see below for issue backgrounders from past Hill visits along with other materials to stay up to date on the issues.

USINFI holds a trip to Washington D.C. annually to lobby and advocate on behalf of its members. For more information on the Government Relations program, or the next scheduled Advocacy Day, please contact Division Manager Janelle Buerkley at


Backgrounder on NDAA

Backgrounder on Textile Trade Policy

2023 March

Backgrounder on NDAA

Backgrounder on Textile Trade Policy

2022 March

Backgrounder on NDAA

Backgrounder on Textile Trade Policy

Backgrounder on The Retain Innovation & Manufacturing Act (RIME)

2021 April

Backgrounder on Textile Trade Policy

Backgrounder on NDAA

Backgrounder on ​​PPE

Backgrounder on PFAS – Per-and-Polyfluoroalkyl Substances

2020 July

Joint Industry Statement on PPE Principles

2020 March

Backgrounder on Miscellaneous Tariff Bill (MTB)

Backgrounder on NDAA

Backgrounder on Textile Trade Policy

Backgrounder on The Retain Innovation & Manufacturing Act (RIME)

2019 June

Backgrounder on Berry Amendment

Backgrounder on ​USMCA

Backgrounder on Textile Trade Policy Issues


Backgrounder on Buy American

Backgrounder on Trade Promotion Authority (H.R. 1314)

Backgrounder on Miscellaneous Tariff Bill (MTB)

Backgrounder on U.S. Free Trade Agreements

Backgrounder on Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)

Backgrounder on Tax Reform

Backgrounder on NAFTA Textile Provisions

Backgrounder on Berry and Kissell Amendments

Backgrounder on Trade Promotion Authority (H.R. 1314)

Backgrounder on Miscellaneous Tariff Bill (MTB)

Backgrounder on Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

Backgrounder on Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)

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